3 minutes
Vault Keeper
Challenge Explanation
In this challenge, we’re given this source code.
from Crypto.Util.number import getPrime, long_to_bytes, inverse, getRandomNBitInteger
from secrets import flag
class RSA:
def __init__(self):
self.p = getPrime(512)
self.q = getPrime(512)
self.e = 0x10001
self.n = self.p * self.q
self.d = inverse(self.e, (self.p-1)*(self.q-1))
self.DaVinciSecretPass = b"Gimme The Ultimate Secret"
def sign(self, data):
return pow(data, self.d, self.n)
def verify(self, data, sig):
return self.sign(data) == sig
def welcome():
welcom = ""
welcom += """
__ __ ______ __ __ __ ______ __ __ ______ ______ ______ ______
/\ \ / / /\ __ \ /\ \/\ \ /\ \ /\__ _\ /\ \/ / /\ ___\ /\ ___\ /\ == \ /\ == \
\ \ \\'/ \ \ __ \ \ \ \_\ \ \ \ \____ \/_/\ \/ \ \ _"-. \ \ __\ \ \ __\ \ \ _-/ \ \ __<
\ \__| \ \_\ \_\ \ \_____\ \ \_____\ \ \_\ \ \_\ \_\ \ \_____\ \ \_____\ \ \_\ \ \_\ \_\
\/_/ \/_/\/_/ \/_____/ \/_____/ \/_/ \/_/\/_/ \/_____/ \/_____/ \/_/ \/_/ /_/
welcom += "Leonardo is a trust paranoiac. He build a machine for authentication. He claims that is unhackable.\n"
def SignSecret(cipher):
print("\n --------- Sign -------------")
user_secret = int(input(" Enter a secret to sign (hex): "), 16)
assert 0 < user_secret < cipher.n
if cipher.DaVinciSecretPass in long_to_bytes(user_secret):
print(" Get Lost!")
print(" Signed secret :",hex(cipher.sign(user_secret)))
def VerifySecret(cipher):
print("\n --------- Verify -------------")
user_secret = int(input(" Enter a secret to verify (hex): "), 16)
user_signature = int(input(" Enter a signature (hex): "), 16)
vrf = cipher.verify(user_secret, user_signature)
if vrf :
if cipher.DaVinciSecretPass == long_to_bytes(user_secret):
print(" You own it!")
print("RUN ...")
print(" Ok!")
print(" Get Lost liar!")
def menu():
print("\n ==================== Secret Keeper - Options ====================")
print(" 1. Sign a secret")
print(" 2. Verify a secret")
print(" 3. Quit")
choice = int(input("> "))
return choice
def main():
PainterVault = RSA()
print(" N :", hex(PainterVault.n))
print(" e :", hex(PainterVault.e))
for i in range(4):
choice = menu()
if choice == 1:
if choice == 2:
if choice == 3:
print(" Bye Bye.")
print(' Do not miss behave! Bye.')
if __name__ == "__main__":
The source code is self-explanatory. This is a digital signature issuing and verification server, relying on RSA-1024. For each connection you’re given N and e. The SignSecret function accepts any data you choose to sign except the “Secret Pass” : b"Gimme The Ultimate Secret". Obviously, to get the flag we must provide that secret pass alongside a valid signature to the verification function, which then return the flag. One important thing to not forget is that RSA works on numbers.
The exploit here is simple. In fact, it relies on some basic arithmetic principles. When issuing a digital signature using RSA, this is what you do: ${Signature = Data^d [N]}$ But, as we have seen, we don’t have the right to sign the desired string. This is were mathematics come to rescue. As we know : for and :
So, to sign the secret pass of our flag, all we have to do is to factorise it, sign its factors then multiply them modulo N. that is:
Numerical Representation:
int.from_bytes(b"Gimme The Ultimate Secret","big")
= 448259296776519099895519136826694247309155561019569830258036Factorisation : 448259296776519099895519136826694247309155561019569830258036 = 2^2 * 3^3 * 31 * 41 * 73 * 113 * 909648042841 * 435196412249196787243968099573349628353 = 1030016066676217002612 * 435196412249196787243968099573349628353
1030016066676217002612 = 0x37d6582b620cfaba74
435196412249196787243968099573349628353 = 0x14767c7bb74128e11d2978745fe8239c1
Digital signature : N = 0x7c930694e91ca076d715664244cb1823edd54e9a7bcdc44ec4709aa06c81766d345545e4df2feb484fdb36b4b07787583d3ef9098bb158ec70725e0dc56fab93790bf268fd9f204e8e9be923b731b27dcda7d9078f6cddc6258ccce78d52150e562fbd387719173ccf1fe25515cf987a376111402c2aad1c4f4ec404204fe235
Signature(1030016066676217002612) = 0x5bd240dfe2cb98e3496baa0a16fe2c04364f3d8b3c6af96225bbddd1d2b7aea76b016f226b2d39285e4c9081ead37070447ff1785837cc3fd17d213efdc15838e840fcb2c16324982acd6ae9e55d0bb45102770f6164361b6627d25df0e0a4d0a3e1bf30dce7b26f6a6357345dce44cb8b6f655318743ea285345095973ad4d9
Signature(435196412249196787243968099573349628353)= 0x3e160f8a257dff3a0dbd3738e6f6bcba870c430a987c74aa63abc3c032ec2b83c2d3333217f3fb9b55468969319bf4b153eaf061907532d1256fd0f40c9f7a9a31c4b9d8b917983f3662b460ef50505b13636fdeb98b15178cc77ed85ad4f220dd8936c86c164796b17a354b3f4209d9026373eab09f90718f65edf19b2dac82
Signature(b"Gimme The Ultimate Secret")= 0x4398797a200bef0a7cad333e6155424618ae1404d150e973306e83a4d0b62c68ff63436e98620c32b3057a39a72df3f4ed5b289c6760129e8e6ce10cbbb8f90b8072be4225de5da234d3ca93d7d8f3861ff5b2cd519a93b92df07c3cc772fe836d6940d8beacdb40cb11a846c140aeddec986e1d553403ff03b903ac60158e33
Upon sumbission of these values, I got the flag :